Monday, August 16, 2010

I told you they were crazy... but cute!

I am sorry this video is poor quality (it is form my phone) but it is still too funny.

This video shows that they are talking, but if you can understand more than us then please HELP! They talk constantly, but it seems to be in twin gibberish. I don't know it. It is the cutest thing and I get such a kick out of it. I will try to get better video of it soon.

This is our infamous Yo Gabba Gabba dance. They dance even when I just sing it. We call it the Wiggle Dance. We were in the middle of getting ready for bed when it came on. They just go nuts. We were trying to get it on a better camera but it wasn't working. But you get the picture.

They keep getting bigger and with it comes more laughs and more messes and more fits. We are learning to survive them all. Mick was called to be in the elders quorum presidency and school starts next week. We should be getting busy soon and I will keep posting about all the comings and goings.

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