Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back to being busy!

First let me tell you about how busy our little girls are... They are almost 2 and I am starting to see the terrible starting. We have begun to make messes. It doesn't take them long at all and it is always a surprise for me.

This was the beautiful cheese mosaic they crated for me. There are a lot more scraps on the floor throughout the kitchen, but here is the masterpiece. The good news it that it was a collaborative effort. I love it when my girls get along so well.

This one is hard to see but there is blue colored pencil all over the wall. Thank goodness it scrubbed off fairly easy. This infamous artist (Believed to be Zadie) also left her blue trade mark on the computer monitor. How it did not do damage I do not know but am very grateful.

Tomb Raider Twins??? They love to wear any and all shoes. This day they found my black boots. They actually were walking around okay in them on the carpet. The tile was a little challenge but no broken ankles. I took this picture and then made them take the boots off because I didn't want any broken ankles. They (mostly Zerin) threw the biggest fit so I had to put on Barney to distract them so I could hide the boots.

Last night we went and visited with Randon Matthews and his family. The older girls brought out dress up outfits for the twins and we had a dance party. I hope you enjoy the pictures and video as much as we enjoyed watching them dance around.
Zerin, Zadie and Dre (He later found a dress so he could fit in, we all got a kick out if it.)

Zerin & Zadie LOVED these outfits and cried when I made them take them off to go home. I am pretty sure I will try to make something similar for them to dance around in at home, if I can ;-)


Erica Whetten said...

Those messes look familiar! My kids have done that and much worse! lol! Ah, the joys of parenthood!

The girls are so cute dancing around in those dresses! Rhett ans Paige loved watching them!

Colton and Ashley said...

Oh my gosh! They are so big and cute!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!! ADORABLE!!!