Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Park Days and Cookies

The weather has been so nice we have been enjoying it at the park. Today we took the stroller to the park because we went to one that was a little farther away from out house. Zerin enjoyed the ride, however, Zadie was another story. She is almost a professional at pouting. She can whine with the best of them. We also busted out shorts today. It is so nice out. Here are some pics of our trip.
Zadie does not have fruit snacks because she was mad I put her in the stroller and threw them on the ground. Please don't feel bad for her she was naughty. But now she is taking a nap and hopefully will wake up in a better mood.

Yesterday we had some friends over. My college roommate Erica brought her kids, Rhett and Paige, over to spend the day with us. We had a great time. We all took a walk to the park close to our house. Rhett rode his big wheel and the three girls held hands most of the way. It was so sweet. Paige is 4 months older than my girls and she was so proud of herself for walking them to the park. We love having friends come play. Thank you Erica. Zadie is in brown and Zerin in green.

Valentines Day cookies are the best. Can't you tell....

Zadie with a spaghetti noodle in her hair. hehe.

Zerin chowing down.

Zerin trying to hug me while I take the picture. It would have been the "sweetest" hug ever had I been willing to accept it. hehe.

Zadie with her mouth stuffed with cookie. She always tries to eat things in one big bite.

1 comment:

Erica said...

We had lots of fun! Thanks for having us over. We can't wait for you guys to come to our house!