Thursday, January 7, 2010

One Big Blog!

So I totally fell off the Blog wagon. Sorry! This is yet another attempt at a comeback. I am going to type first then load a ton of pictures. My girls are growing and growing and are so much fun and hard work at the same time. They LOVE to dance and will stop whatever they are doing when they hear music. They are starting to come up with some good moves too. Zadie had my mom and dad and me cracking up last night with some new ones we had never seen before. I wish I had video. I will try to capture it soon. Halloween was great. They were the cutest little zebra and leopard you've ever seen. My uncle John took the cutest pictures for us. Thanks John and Donna! They didn’t quite get the concept that they were getting candy from all the houses but as long as we let them suck and a sucker they did whatever we wanted. They walked quite a bit too. I was so proud of them. The weeks following they learned where the candy was and would ask you to hold them then point to the kitchen and then to the candy. They were hooked. They definitely are their father’s girls. Eventually we had to hide it really well so they thought it was all gone.

We went to Snowflake for Thanksgiving with all of Mick’s family and had a really nice time. Cousin Brock (Robbie and Brittany’s youngest boy) loved to play with the girls, or should I say make them play with him. It was so cute. He would come to me and say, “Make this one play cars” or something like that. He is 3 and talks like he is 8. We just love him. He knows their names when you ask him, but for the most part they are this one or that one. Mick’s Dad got the dresses that they proudly wore for Thanksgiving Day. Even though they were camouflage (not my favorite print) they were so darn cute. Thank you Grandpa!

Christmas was also great. For those of you who don’t know we have moved in with my Mom and Dad. I love it! All the extra help is great. So we spent Christmas at home with them. The girls had a great time and loved all their toys. They just had a hard time figuring out what to play with. Santa brought them an outside play set and Mick pimped out two little cars for them as well. He did such a good job and they love them. Unwrapping presents was fun but did not hold their interest long. They are busy little bodies and just wanted to play, play, play. We all spent the entire day in our pajamas and played Nintendo and everything else. There were also plenty of naps. My kind of Christmas. hehe. During all of our Christmas shopping we discovered the soft play area at the Superstition Springs Mall. They love it. Zadie, however, gets board or crowded or something because she likes to escape. I think she likes going in all the stores on her own (with supervision of course). Although she did make a run for the elevator on her own once. But was not able to make it too far. Grammy saved the day! Like I said…Busy little bodies!

Well now that things are back to normal routine and everyone is working or at school I really miss them. I think the girls do too. I must not be fun enough, because they can get so mad at me. But what can I do? At least the weather has been nice so we go outside a lot. Well that should cover it for now so here are the pictures in no particular order…

Spaghetti + Chocolate Pudding = Mess + Bath



New Hair Dos - Zerin


Zaide's first knot. I was so sad!

Turner & Me Christmas Morning.
The scratches on Turner's face are form Zerin.
She just loves him so much. hehe.
Walking around temple lights

Family pic - Mick, Zaide, Zerin, Me



Me, Zadie, Zerin, Mick

Zerin & Zadie with their Halloween stash

Zerin the Zebra

Zadie the Leopard

Ready to Trick or Treat

1 comment:

Shelbie said...

Those are some cute pictures! i love their hair do's. When I looked through them, Zerins hair was so cute, then Zadie's just made me laugh. Its so cute, and they are just miniature ponytails trying so hard to squeeze into the little pigtails. And in the one where they are so messy, I cannot tell who is who. I love those pictures.