Thursday, February 26, 2009

Playing Catch Up!!!

I have been super busy lately with the girls and have been neglecting by blog. But I have decided that I need to start blogging regularly because it is good for me to sit back and reflect on the good stuff in our lives. I tend to get overwhelmed with all the little day to day things that I often forget to sit back and notice the fun. My girls are full of personality and are starting to get clingy. I love being wanted but sometimes I want myself for myself. So now I am working on finding time for myself. Here are some pics of our lives lately.
A few weeks ago Mick and I took my brothers out shooting and four wheeling by Florence. Mick is teaching me how to shoot the shotgun. I have been nervous about it but I held my own and shot down 4 clay pigeons. However, I do have a few good bruises to show for my effort.
It was a little chilly outside but our girls are little troopers and weren't even scared by all the gun shots. Zerin loves attention and talking to anyone, even herself.

Zadie just loves to make us laugh. She has the biggest smile.

This is their Valentine's Day picture. It was actually taken the week before because we were in Lake Havasu with Kasey for Valentine's weekend. Thanks to Kasey and Caleb for a great fun weekend. And also thank you Allie for all your help.

TEETH, AHHHHH! Both our girls have their bottom two teeth. Four and a half months was a bit earlier than we were expecting but we are glad to have that portion over with. Zerin got hers in first and they have only made her smile even sweeter.

Zadie was not going to be done up so she had hers come in a few days later. This picture makes me laugh. Her eyes are HUGE. Her teeth are so sharp and she is starting to learn how to use them. How do you teach someone so little not to bit. IT HURTS!

BUMBOS! They are now plenty big and get to sit in their bumbos a lot. I feed them in their bumbos a lot. They are pretty handy. Zerin's legs are so chunky I have to shove them down in the bumbo.

Zadie is just Zadie and we love her.

Here are the chunky legs I was talking about. Rolls, Rolls, Rolls. What else can I say.
Zadie is in the white and Zerin in the Pink. Zerin is still just a little bigger.

This was taken a while back. Zerin woke up during her nap but got herself back to sleep with the help of her thumb and index finger. I thought it was funny. Thank goodness neither of them are thumb suckers. That is one habit I do not want to have to break.

Zerin during tummy time. She scratched her nose. But isn't she the cutest thing ever (Well tied with her sister anyways).

Zadie and tummy time. Just so cute.

They love to look at themselves in the mirrors. It is funny to watch them when they laugh and talk to themselves in the mirror. They sometimes do the same thing when they make eye contact with each other.

Zerin is rolling over and we are so proud. Zadie does not show much interest in rolling over but she loves to stand up. She may just skip everything and go right to walking when she is big enough. Just have to wait and see.



Its about darn time you updated.. lol!! I go in spurts too!

They are getting so big and chunky I love it...those teeth pictures are hilarious! Makes me want to come play:)

Nic and Jodie said...

Oh man! That is the funnest thing to see. I just can't get enough of those two. What a blast. They are just too precious. It makes me so excited. Did you hear that we are having a little girl in July? We are very happy and this just eggs me on. Darling!

Creston & Cynthia said...

They're getting cuter and cuter and I can't believe they're rolling over already! Camden's a long way from there-he's got a little too much wieght on him for that:)