Once again I have neglected my blog and am now playing catch up. These are not really in order so I will just explain as I go.
Last weekend the Matthew's family invited us to attend Brookyn's baptism and Ryker's baby blessing. Afterward, they hosted a dinner at their house where the girls got to play and most importantly... hold baby Ryker.
Here is Zerin so proud to be holding him all by herself.
Zadie looks sad but only because she was told she was not allowed to touch his face for the tenth time. She loved cuddling and petting him.
A couple weeks ago the girls and I were in Snowflake for a few days. We walked up to the temple and this was the closest to two smiles I could get.
Here the girls are helping Jimbo walk Pistol and Pete. They may get pulled along but they feel so big walking those dogs.
At the park I tried to get them to pose for a picture and this was the best buddies picture I could get. They truly are best friends and get along so well.
Zadie is precious. She does not often stop for the camera but when she does you can capture how sweet she really is.
Zerin is fun loving and always busy. She loves to stop and smile for the camera and share her smile.
I love this picture of Zadie at the bottom of the slide. Her smile is to sweet and loving.
Zerin loves life and always goes full force.
This is a picture taken on the carousel at the World Wildlife Zoo. We rode twice because the first time the girls were a little overwhelmed by the choices and Zerin ended up on the bench and at the end realized she wanted to ride the monkey.
Here is Zadie on the giraffe in her giraffe shirt. I love how this picture looks with the vintage editing.
This is at the entrance to the zoo. As the girls wanted to run in I told them to turn around and hold hands so I could take a picture. It is now one of our favorites. Dale says they look like two little old ladies and we just have to laugh when ever we see it.
This is our karate kids. Zerin tends to want to fight, while Zadie want to pretend karate. Their karate belts are valentines day head bands. This concept is purely imagination from Zadie.
Here is karaoke. Zadie started this idea and Zerin was not going to miss out on the fun.
Zerin loved feeding the giraffe at the zoo. She was not scared of it's long tongue at all. Zadie was a little hesitant and did not find the same enjoyment.
This was a video we sent to Mick after he had to go home and we stayed in Arizona a few more days. I love it because you can see how quick Zerin is. She loves to run fast.
These two girls keep us on our toes and never let us get board. They are constant coming up with new ideas and games to keep us laughing. I will try to do better at keeping you all updated on a better basis.
Last weekend the Matthew's family invited us to attend Brookyn's baptism and Ryker's baby blessing. Afterward, they hosted a dinner at their house where the girls got to play and most importantly... hold baby Ryker.

This is our karate kids. Zerin tends to want to fight, while Zadie want to pretend karate. Their karate belts are valentines day head bands. This concept is purely imagination from Zadie.
Here is karaoke. Zadie started this idea and Zerin was not going to miss out on the fun.
Zerin loved feeding the giraffe at the zoo. She was not scared of it's long tongue at all. Zadie was a little hesitant and did not find the same enjoyment.
This was a video we sent to Mick after he had to go home and we stayed in Arizona a few more days. I love it because you can see how quick Zerin is. She loves to run fast.
These two girls keep us on our toes and never let us get board. They are constant coming up with new ideas and games to keep us laughing. I will try to do better at keeping you all updated on a better basis.